Martin Toft's

Google Summer of Code Blog

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Finally I'm hacking!

Yep, the exam month is over, and I'm finally hacking on Vim. I have already gotten one patch accepted (albeit a simple one). It was for this bug:

  • When setting 'keymap' twice the b:keymap_name variable isn't set. (Milan Berta, 2007 Mar 9) Has something to do with 'iminsert'.

You can read the patch here.

Now I'm hacking on a another bug (it's more like a feature addition, though). At the moment it's only possible to setup three highlight patterns (see :help :match) in Vim, and my goal is to remove this limitation. Moreover, as the feature is mostly used by scripts, the "n-patterns-enabled" matching will be implemented as functions instead of commands.

A picture from where it's all happening:

Hacking on Vim
(click on the picture to enlarge)

Happy hacking!

Other posts

What I've fixed since the previous post (Friday, August 3, 2007)
It's alive! (Friday, July 6, 2007)
First post (Monday, April 16, 2007)